Aluminum Conductor Composite Core
High Temprature Low Sag

New Transmission Line Projects:
An ideal blend of economics with improved performance: the fewer structures at longer spans, improved thermal stability, increased electrical capacity, lessened foundation works, decreased construction time with the high return rate from loss line savings, ACCC® conductors are the appropriate application to benefit from project cost and post-installation savings.


Uprating or Upgrading of Existing Lines:
ACCC® conductors can be implemented towards existing congested transmission lines to double the current carrying capacity with minimal or no alterations to the structures.


River Crossings and Greater Distances:
The benefits that arise from ACCC® conductors allow for use in river crossings and greater spans due to the high strength, enhanced self-damping capabilities, and improved sag characteristics.


Savings from Maintenance and Repair:
The decreased sag of the ACCC® conductor minimizes the costs associated with tree trimming and vegetation management.  Aside from lighter weight and increased strength, the carbon fiber composite core is a non-corrosive core which resists all forms of environmentally influenced degradation.


Enhanced Durability:
ACCC® conductors continue to serve its purpose even in harsh weather conditions; the higher level of strength allows the conductor to endure ice and wind load related factors while combating transmission failure


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